
Graskop Homeschoolers
Graskop Homeschoolers is a collaborative effort of the homeschoolers in our town to provide positive social, educational and community service experiences, to help foster curiosity, responsibility, and cooperative projects. Activities include markets, field trips, volunteerism, entrepreneurial activities and organizing community social events.

The Creative Arts Network
The Graskop Creative Arts Network a.k.a. The CAN Club, creates opportunities for the artists of Graskop (children and adults) to promote community spirit through artistic expression. Activities include music (choir, solo, ensemble) drama, talent shows, classes, exhibits, markets, fundraisers, community service projects, poetry readings…etc. If we can imagine it, we’ll make it happen. Our group began with and includes the children of Emmanuel Family Home.
The Creative Arts Network
The Graskop Creative Arts Network a.k.a. The CAN Club, creates opportunities for the artists of Graskop (children and adults) to promote community spirit through artistic expression. Activities include music (choir, solo, ensemble) drama, talent shows, classes, exhibits, markets, fundraisers, community service projects, poetry readings…etc. If we can imagine it, we’ll make it happen. Our group began with and includes the children of Emmanuel Family Home.

Emmanuel Family Home
Emmanuel Family Home
The mission of the Emmanuel Family Home is to ensure that children in difficult circumstances are adequately cared for so that they may reach their full potential in the future, by providing a caring transitional facility until such a time as they may return to their biological/extended families or be placed into foster or adoptive families within the community.
Graskop Family Fun Day was our first collaborative community event put on by the Homeschoolers and CAN Club. We involved several business within town, and the event was very successful.
God's Will Children Foundation
We are a loving family of believers, passionate about sharing love, kindness, togetherness, and gospel with the nations of the world in very tangible ways.
We provide food, shelter, education, clean water, and more to the poorest of the poor indigenous people.
As a faith-based charitable organization, we believe that the Lord always provides.
“Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other, let’s show the truth by our actions “
1 John 3:18
Past and present initiatives to support GWCF
Water for Life is a fundraising campaign to dig a borehole for Nsamba’s village of Abedi, Uganda.
Please visit their Go Fund Me to contribute to this worthy and crucial cause.

Graskop Conservancy
Promoting the conservation of the unique biodiversity and aesthetic qualities of the Graskop area. Working together for a safe and green environment.

Graskop Conservancy
Promoting the conservation of the unique biodiversity and aesthetic qualities of the Graskop area. Working together for a safe and green environment.